This WOD is a fun one! Enjoy this chipper- and here is more info on this WOD: If you don’t have a KB- here is how to do a push press with DB’s- you can use odd objects too!
We all know what sit-ups are- but what are the other moves? Here are the other moves- Boxer punches, Hip Dips and Russian twists with weight:
Follow along with this super informative Mobility WOD (takes about 20 min. so be ready for that):
After getting your heart rate up go through this warm-up!
What is a hollow rock? How do we do DB or odd object rows from a plank?
Hey team! Pistols are tough- these are one legged squats! These are one of the toughest squatting moves ever made. These are hard on the knees. If you have funky knees or a knee injury- we will just work on the basic scaling to a box for these moves- no more. Check these out: How […]
What is a strict press? Also known as the Shoulder Press (strict) During this workout at home time we can perform these with the following items: A bar, 2 DB’s, 2 KB’s, an odd object in each hand, one odd object in both hands, with a plate. What are some things to keep in mind […]
Hey crew! Today we will do skill work for the handstand hold and for handstand push-ups. First we will work on the holds. The easiest scale for these is to sit in a pike on the floor and to hold weights overhead for your holds, you can also do this with DB’s or 2 odd […]
Hi team! Today we will work on our HSPU’s! The first scale we can do for these moves is to press weights overhead while seated in a pike: We can perform all kinds of other HSPU scales- check out this great video on a box HSPU progression to follow! 🙂 Here is a great progression […]