Here is Emily running us through the WOD for the Day!
What is the Annie Girl WOD?? Here is more info!
What is a Dumbell Thruster? What is a DB Goblet Thruster? this video shows a kettlebell but you can use any kind of weight or odd object! What is a single Dumbell power clean?
What is a man/woman maker with DB’s??
How do you do a plank to push up plank?
What are hand release push-ups?
The acronym stands for As Many Rounds or Reps as possible. An AMRAP workout works like this: You have a certain number of reps of each exercises to complete in every set before moving onto the next. Once you have completed all the sets you go back to the start and begin again. That counts as […]
What in the world are these GIRL WOD things? Why are they named after girls??? Learn more below!