Personal Training

Let us help you get in shape!

We pridefully call our Personal Training side of CrossFit Cortez EVOLUTION GYM!

Come evolve and train with the most talented, compassionate and qualified trainers in the area. We offer affordable and infinitely customized one-on-one, small group and family sessions!

We pride ourselves on our Personal Training. We want to meet you where you are and we develop our programming based upon your GOALS.

Our Personal Training does not have to be CrossFit-based. All of our trainers have varied expertise in multiple fitness disciplines. We offer packages of 5 and 10 one hour sessions. We are super affordable: the average price of an hour long session is $40. We will talk with you and link you with the Personal Trainer who we think might best fit what you are looking for!

Meet our Certified Personal Trainers!

Ellen specializes in: Back, neck and spinal concerns. Knee, Hip and shoulder rehab. Core strengthening. Current and past athletes. Senior clients. Small group and family sessions. Infinitely more areas of expertise.

Thomas specializes in: strength and conditioning, hip issues and increasing movement, core stability and strengthening, weightlifting, helping you get back to regular fitness activities, can mix martial arts and CrossFit because of his background!

Click here to seek more information and Contact us or call (970) 403-5238 anytime.

Personal Training Coaches